Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Holograms, 1.8 News, and New Staff Board!

Hey guys,

A lot of things have happened on MCFun Central since my last post, which was pretty recent. However, they do not need a lot of explaining, so this is going to be a fairly short blog post.

First off, we now have holograms in the spawn! It's not a big change, but it's still pretty noticeable.

If you paid close attention to the spawn before Sunday night, you probably noticed that there were signs on the ground indicating the minigames. These holograms replace those signs, and they look a lot cooler!

On to the second news: a new /warp staff! Our newly promoted admin, Allison (yoshisrawesome) pointed out that we needed a new warp staff. The current one at the time was much like the old spawn (which you can see by typing /warp oldspawn): just a quartz box. Since we made the new spawn back in March with the intention of making it intriguing and not just a lame quartz box, we decided to do the same with the new /warp staff. Check it out:

All of this was Allison's idea, including the design for the build. She built literally everything you see here (except the dome, that was done by WorldEdit and me (we make a good team)). We don't plan on changing this anytime soon.

There's one last thing that has been brought to my attention that I wanted to talk about: MCFun Central and 1.8.

As you may notice, MCFun Central still runs the 1.7.9/1.7.10 Bukkit jar. If you know your APIs, you'll know why MCFun Central isn't on 1.8 at the mention of "Bukkit." In case you don't know, let me talk a little about it.

If you've been playing Minecraft recently, you probably know about the sort-of riots at Bukkit (and Spigot, since Spigot is a variation of Bukkit). The developers at Bukkit and Spigot were working for free and thought it was a volunteer job, and they found out a few weeks ago that actually Mojang was paying some developers to make plugins, so really, money was flying. This resulted in almost everyone quitting plugin development at Bukkit and Spigot and therefore, nobody was there to update and test the API for 1.8. Since MCFun Central is entirely dependent on Bukkit, I don't want to risk breaking or losing all of our plugins by switching to another API. Therefore, MCFun Central is stuck on 1.7.9/1.7.10 until either Bukkit developers start developing again, or once the new Sponge API comes out. The reason I am waiting for the Sponge API to come out is because they mentioned in their forums that the API will be able to run previous Bukkit plugins, so the plugins we already have won't break. By the looks of the homepage and the forums, it looks like the Sponge API will be released in the near future. That being said, it shouldn't be too long before MCFun Central is updated to 1.8 with a new API!

A lot of things have happened. Come and check them out now!

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