Sunday, December 7, 2014

All Bugs Fixed! + MCFun Building Plaza is Rising Again

Hey guys,

I plan to make this a quick blog post, but we'll see how things go.

I'd like to start off by saying that every bug that was mentioned 2 posts ago that had to do with our recent update to Spigot 1.7.10 is now fixed! We first fixed the Citizens plugin, which was mentioned in the last post, by downloading a snapshot provided by the Citizens development team that supported a 1.7.10 jar. Since it isn't a stable build, you may notice some glitches going on with the Citizens skins sometimes on the server, but overall it still works and we're happy.

The second plugin we fixed was the HolographicDisplays plugin. If you read the last post, you will see that our "fix" for holograms was to just switch our hologram plugin from HoloAPI to HolographicDisplays because HolographicDisplays supposedly offered support for a 1.7.10 jar, and it did, but the problem was 1.8. No holograms would appear. To substitute for the holograms were some flying horses up in the sky where the holograms would normally be. Fortunately, the developer of HolographicDisplays is an active developer (unlike many other developers on Bukkit, some who still haven't updated their plugin from 1.5.2) and, along with releasing a fully 1.8-compatible HolographicDisplays plugin, released a patch for 1.7.10. The patch was made a while before 1.8, but I mentioned in the last post that this patch required you to hack your Spigot server with a protocol hack. With the 1.8 release, the only other plugin now required besides the patch (the patch is a plugin that you can download from BukGetPlugins or using Installer) is ProtocolLib (not the ProtocolLib hack!). So, long story short, after downloading the updated patch and ProtocolLib, holograms look nice and pretty on both clients!

The last small, but super annoying "bug" that I had was that with the same code in the Essentials config and the book.txt, the book worked normally and you could read it just fine on 1.7.10, but when you opened it in 1.8, it said *Invalid Book Tag*.  The only thing that I knew was that there's a difference between the way books store data in 1.8 vs. 1.7. I've been searching since our Spigot 1.7.10 update for a fix to this, and nothing worked, until today. A lot of people said to add an author to your book and you should be set. I tried that, and it didn't work. This morning, I found out that 1.8 doesn't like Essentials book with a space in the title. The title of the info book was MCFun Central - Info. MCFun Building Plaza's info book is called Info+. So I tried to change the title of the book to Info+ and added a lore just for fun, and the info book now works! So basically just make sure you have at least 3 NBT tags on your info book (title, author, book) and that there's no space in your book title.

One more quick thing before I wrap up, MCFun Building Plaza has been updated to full 1.8 and everything appears to be going great! Players love the 1.8 update and MCFun Building Plaza has seen a lot of players recently. The owners of MCFun Building Plaza are also all set for the switch to Extrillius! Unfortunately, because of this, the server is still whitelisted and they don't plan to take the whitelist off until the Extrillius switch. However, that's not such a big problem. We still want to do some plugin work and make the town and spawn and stuff look pretty so that when we switch, you don't spawn in a world of nothingness.

Alright, that's about it for today! The development and planning of Extrillius is coming along very nicely, and we all can't wait to make the switch!

Just a side note: Citizens has also released a dev build for a 1.8 jar (that means FULL 1.8). If you want support for that, download Citizens 2.0.14-SNAPSHOT and upload it to your server. If your server runs a 1.7.10 jar, steer clear from 2.0.14 because Citizens will break due to that fact that it is 1.8. Stay at version 2.0.13-SNAPSHOT.

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