Thursday, July 31, 2014

MCFun Central - Creative Plots is Back! + Problems with GoDaddy

Hi guys,
Once again, it's Matt, the owner of MCFun Central (you can't be more surprised).
It's been a while since a post was made on this blog, so I thought I'd update all 0 of you reading this blog about what's going on.

First off, if you've been on the server recently, you've noticed that I had a lot of problems with Creative Plots recently. One of them was just a stupid not paying attention jar thing on my part, but the other was a little more serious:
I guess I could say what it is, now that it's resolved. If you didn't know, from the start of Creative Plots on MCFun Central, you weren't allowed to use certain things (like lava, water, maybe tnt (I forgot), spawn eggs, etc.). However, if you put those things in a dispenser or a dropper, it would dispense the item out.
Because of this, we had major lag (in the 0 fps sense) in the Creative Plots world and ghasts flying everywhere. It took a while to get rid of the ghasts. However, this made me realize the serious problem that was developing in Creative Plots. Last evening, I went through some config files until I found the blacklist part of Essentials. You are now not permitted to use spawn eggs of any kind, dispensers, or droppers. I'm sorry if you were planning to make some amazing redstone creation or something with the containers, but it's just to keep out the rule abuse.

Onto the second, more frustrating problem.

As you know, back in the beginning of June, I purchased the domain from GoDaddy. Here's a little word of advice: if you want to purchase a domain from GoDaddy, don't purchase it when you're on vacation.
Just yesterday, I finally got my account unlocked. They deleted my domain, but they refunded it and told me it was up for repurchase. When I got back into my account and tried to repurchase it, it told me it wasn't available. I tried asking a Live Chat support if sometroll else bought my domain or if it was just a glitch on their part. Because of "technical difficulties", they couldn't get my account details.
